[Le 97e Salon du cadeau TOKYO INTERNATIONAL printemps 2024] Vélo Plata EV - Plata Co., Ltd.

La société Plata Corporation présente son nouveau produit, le vélo électrique Plata EV Bike, lors du Salon International du Cadeau de Tokyo. Disponible en blanc, rouge et noir, ce vélo se distingue par son design élégant. Son chargeur intégré permet une recharge facile à domicile, offrant une grande praticité au quotidien. Conforme à une nouvelle loi en vigueur depuis juillet dernier, ce vélo ne nécessite pas de permis de conduire. De plus, le port du casque est obligatoire, ce qui le rend idéal pour les femmes et ceux qui attachent de l’importance à leur coiffure. Grâce à ses pédales faciles à utiliser, il est également adapté aux personnes ayant des problèmes de jambes ou de dos. Un produit vivement recommandé.
[The 112th CANTON FAIR Spring 2016] Bamboo Socks – Bamboo Socks Co., Ltd.
Welcome to the booth of Bamboo Socks Co., Ltd. In this year’s Canton Fair, we are showcasing our innovative Bamboo Socks. Made from natural and sustainable bamboo fibers, these socks are not only soft and comfortable to wear, but they also provide numerous health benefits. They are highly breathable, anti-bacterial, and hypoallergenic, making them perfect for people with sensitive skin or allergies. Additionally, bamboo socks have moisture-wicking properties, keeping your feet dry and odor-free all day long. With various stylish designs and colors, our Bamboo Socks are a must-have fashion accessory. Visit our booth to experience the comfort and quality of our bamboo socks.
[The 24th SHANGHAI INTERNATIONAL Lighting Fair 2018] Smart LED Bulb – TechLight Co., Ltd.
TechLight Co., Ltd. is proud to present our latest innovation, the Smart LED Bulb, at the Shanghai International Lighting Fair. These bulbs are designed to revolutionize the way we interact with lighting in our homes and workplaces. With built-in Wi-Fi connectivity, the Smart LED Bulb can be controlled remotely via a smartphone app or voice commands, allowing users to adjust brightness, color temperature, and even schedule lighting scenes. The bulbs are energy-efficient and have a long lifespan, making them both environmentally friendly and cost-effective. With their sleek design and advanced functionality, TechLight’s Smart LED Bulbs are setting a new standard in smart lighting technology.Generated by OpenAI

site Internet:https://plata.co.jp/