[Salon de l'équipement 2023] Verrouillage instantané du raccord S - Bakuma Industry Co., Ltd.

La société Bakuma Kogyo présentera son nouveau produit, le Hard Rock S, lors de l’exposition. Il s’agit d’une nouvelle version de leur raccord pour la plomberie, dotée d’une bague d’insertion graduée pour éviter toute insuffisance d’insertion.Elle est également équipée d’un anneau phosphorescent, visible à l’œil nu ou sous lumière noire, pour faciliter les vérifications ultérieures d’installation. Bakuma Kogyo est la première entreprise de l’industrie à offrir une garantie de 10 ans sur ce produit, ce qui témoigne de sa durabilité et de sa fiabilité. Les constructeurs et les distributeurs sont invités à considérer cette nouvelle offre.
[The 55th Plumbing Equipment and Equipment Comprehensive Exhibition] Electric Forged Iron Cutter – Tategumi Co., Ltd.
During the exhibition, Tategumi Co., Ltd. will showcase their new product, the Electric Forged Iron Cutter. This cutter is specifically designed for cutting forged iron pipes, providing a precise and efficient cutting experience. With its electric operation, users can expect improved productivity and ease of use. The Electric Forged Iron Cutter is an excellent tool for professionals in the plumbing industry and is sure to be a valuable addition to their equipment. Tategumi Co., Ltd. invites all attendees to visit their booth and see the Electric Forged Iron Cutter in action.
[Equipment expo 2023] Industrial Vacuum Cleaner PRO 500 – CleanTech Solutions Inc.
CleanTech Solutions Inc. will be unveiling their latest product, the Industrial Vacuum Cleaner PRO 500, at the upcoming equipment expo. This powerful vacuum cleaner is specifically designed for heavy-duty industrial cleaning tasks. With its robust motor and large capacity, it can effectively clean large areas in a shorter time. The Industrial Vacuum Cleaner PRO 500 also features advanced filtration technology, ensuring thorough dust and debris removal. CleanTech Solutions Inc. invites professionals in various industries to experience the superior cleaning performance of the Industrial Vacuum Cleaner PRO 500 at their booth.Generated by OpenAI

site Internet:https://www.bakuma.co.jp/