[RISCON TOKYO 2023] Le service de plateforme IoT « ToXCloud » accélère votre DX - Tokico Système Solutions Co., Ltd.

[RISCON TOKYO 2023] La plateforme IoT “ToXCloud” de Tokico System Solutions accélère votre transformation numérique
Tokico System Solutions présente ToxCloud, un nouveau projet visant à gérer de manière numérique ce qui était auparavant géré de manière analogique. Cette plateforme offre la possibilité de gérer différents éléments à partir d’un seul cloud. De plus, la société propose également des produits adaptés aux situations de catastrophe, tels que des compteurs d’urgence et des vannes de coupure d’urgence. Pour en savoir plus sur notre produit, veuillez nous contacter.
New Generation of Vehicle Navigation Systems Introduced at AutoTech Expo 2023 – FutureTech Co.
FutureTech Co., a leading provider of automotive technology, unveiled their latest innovation in vehicle navigation systems at this year’s AutoTech Expo. The new system boasts advanced features such as real-time traffic updates, voice recognition, and augmented reality overlays. With user-friendly interfaces and seamless integration with smartphones, the new generation of navigation systems offers an enhanced driving experience. Visit FutureTech Co.’s booth to discover more about their cutting-edge technologies.
Innovative Food Packaging Solutions by PackItNow at FoodTech Conference 2023
PackItNow, a pioneer in food packaging solutions, showcases their latest innovations at this year’s FoodTech Conference. The company introduces eco-friendly packaging materials that prolong food freshness and reduce waste. Their revolutionary technology allows for customizable packaging options, ensuring the perfect fit for different food products. With PackItNow’s innovative solutions, food manufacturers can improve shelf life, reduce cost, and enhance sustainability. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn more about their groundbreaking packaging solutions at the conference.Generated by OpenAI

site Internet:https://www.tokicosys.com/